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José Luis Infante (1)
Inflationary processes produce informative modifications when prices are distorted, one of them being the labor wage. Parity-type negotiations where, on the one hand, employers seek to defend the position of…
Pérdida de carga y energía en impulsiones de fango deshidratado: análisis como fluido no newtoniano
José García Cascallana (1)
El comportamiento reológico de los fangos deshidratados es similar al de un fluido seudoplástico o adelgazante de tipo no newtoniano, y se puede considerar que sigue el modelo…
Safety in electric car accidents
Dr. Pablo Zapico Gutiérrez (1), José Alonso de Linaje Aguirre (2) , José Alejandro Alonso de Linaje Díez (3), Ángel Carlos Rodríguez Llamas (4) , María Zapico Gómez-Collantes (5)
Engine vehicle accidents are an undesirable but…
Origami. Deployable structures
Paula Álvarez-García, Manuel Domínguez (1)
Deployable structures have been extensively researched in fields such as medicine and aerospace engineering. Its application to the terrain of the architecture is, in comparison,…
Use of 3D printing in the manufacture of prosthetic hands
Christian Pérez Fernández (1) , María del Mar Espinosa (2) , Manuel Domínguez (3)
3D printing is very popular in society, mostly due to fused deposition modelling, allowing prototypes and products of varying degrees of…
Mejora de las asignaturas relativas a prevención de riesgos laborales con la introducción de la…
Miguel Ángel Mariscal1, Clara López Santamaría2, Sergio Ortiz3 y Eva María López4
It is necessary to introduce in occupational risk prevention subjects new knowledge about the new technologies available in industry. For this…
Incorporación de la industria 4.0 y de la robótica colaborativa en la formación universitaria
Miguel Ángel Mariscal1, Susana García2, Sergio Ortiz3 y Eva María López4
Development and implementation of the enabling technologies of industry 4.0 need to be introduced into engineering studies. A collaborative robotics…
Educational Project DYOR: Do Your Own Robot
Leopoldo Armesto Ángel1 and Eugenio Ivorra Martínez9
3D printers have become very popular, extensively promoting the maker movement. The educational project DYOR (Do Your Own Robot) has been created to answer the need for…
Experimental Electric Vehicle at Almadén School of Mining and Industrial Engineering
Ángeles Carrasco García1, José Tejero Manzanares2, Julio Alberto López Gómez3, Xiaoxin Zhang4, Raquel Jurado Merchán5, Elena Beamud González6, José Manuel de la Cruz Gómez7 , Eduardo Palomares Novalbos8, Francisco Mata Cabrera9
Contest of ornamental and artistic lighting of buildings: a successful case of teaching in…
Fco. Ramón Lara Raya1, José Zamora Salido2, Juan Cantizani Oliva3, Eduardo Ruiz Vela4, Fco. Javier Jiménez Romero5 and José Ramón González Jiménez6
Project-based learning is common in engineering studies. In addition to providing…